August 19, 2021
The similarities of COVID-19 to what happens to BRAIN DEAD ORGAN DONORS before their organs can be harvested are enormous. It is almost as if SARS-CoV-2 has convinced the body the brain has died.
What if the ground glass opacities we are seeing,
are not from infection at all, but from the lack of antidiuretic hormone?
Patients are literally drowning in their own fluids? As in brain death? This
explains why ventilation does not work, and may kill. COVID-19 has presented as
inappropriate anti-diuretic hormone disorder - and been diagnosed as such.
Just as in our brain dead organ donor and COVID-19, the body experiences a catecholamine storm. This explains the vasoplegia seen in COVID-19.
Perhaps the greatest evidence that this is what is ocurring are the "leaky" capillaries causing organ perfusion pressure and leading to cerebrovascular events, and the clotting issues in general. This also explains the mitochondrial, metabolic issues being observed. Perfusion pressure is essential for maintaining a mitochondrial aerobic metabolism, being well known that mitochondrial dysfunction is the main mechanism involved in multiple organ dysfunction occurrence and death.
What if the true danger of the nasal invasion is
not the ensuing journey to the lung, but the
ensuing journey to the brainstem? We have been led astray.
Lastly, what is another system the great hypothalmic-pituitary puppeteer controls? The reproductive system.
Could you find a greater enemy to the human species than SARS-CoV-2? Look at the company it keeps. Fauci, Baric, Gates, et al.
Referenced/Related Papers
COVID-19: a hypothesis regarding the ventilation-perfusion mismatch
COVID-19 presented with syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion(SIADH): A case report from Bangladesh
Targeting the catecholamine-cytokine axis to prevent SARS-CoV-2 cytokine storm syndrome
Hypothalamic-pituitary axis disorder – “the puppet master” of multiple organ dysfunction in brain-dead patients